Both game icons have "Saili Simut. " in it.
Upgrade your Saili
anyway to change the mouse theme in ubuntu 14.04?
I want to play a video and also see how does Saili works
any ideas
if i had a flash drive i could install it
but im using that old laptop atm
i had Saili before too, but i dont remember where that program is on my computer
Sails: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
install xfce-mcs-manager
run it
and it's in the applications
Kartagis, where in applications?
iynque: yeah, in the left panel
Kartagis, oh, sorry. I though you wanted to know where to find it on the desktop
then right-click on the window and choose "New Application"
no, I just wanted to know if anyone knew
Kartagis, yup, found it: "Addons" thanks.
i did install ubuntu-restricted-extras
is it still missing
Saili: what video are you trying to play?
Saili: also what kind of video are you trying to play?
hitujiTMO : i have an mp4 file, but with a dvd player i saw the dvd version.
i want to play it on that laptop that i have
Saili: can you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package
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