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Basic Design Question
I have a question regarding how to store the url in a session variable in asp.net. The scenario I am talking about is the following:
user opens page A, and enters their username. Page A gets stored in the database. Page A contains an anchor href which directs to page B. Page B gets the url from the session. Now, my question is:
How can I make the session know that the url I am referencing is the url of Page A.
A previous question I asked was: I need to store the user name and the page the user was on in the session.
I received a good answer and that is exactly what I am looking for: If the user hits a page and then hits the back button, the page needs to be stored in the session, and then redirected to the previous page. For example:
Page 1 redirects to Page 2. The user clicks on a link on page 2 and is directed to a third page, which then redirects to Page 1.
Thanks for the answers.
There are two ways to do it.
First, you can put a value in a hidden field in Page A and in Page B read the value of the hidden field.
Second, you can save the url as a value in the session and in Page A and Page B you read the url from the session.
I suggest you to put the value in the session because if you reload the page you lose the data.
Development of the Parnassius gilyardi group (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in the Fennoscandian Mountains and neighbouring regions.
Fennoscandian Parnassius (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) butterflies are very poorly known; therefore, the ongoing efforts to fill the gaps are encouraged. In this study, we describe new distributional data of the Parnassius gilyardi group. Specimens from four faunistic regions and from neighbouring non-mountainous areas (Europe and Asia) have been examined. A combination of additional characters (colour, pattern of the forewing shape, as well as the genitalia) allows us to easily identify all the taxa within the complex. Due to
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